Please find below a few very important things to keep in mind whilst swimming with us at Feltwell:'
Swim Wear/Hats/Goggles
- Swim hats are required for all swimmers.
- ·Goggles are really useful for lessons, we recommend to buy ones with thicker straps and chunkier rims around the eyes. Thin ones are not as comfortable and tend to need to be adjusted a lot more than thicker ones.
- Please ensure hats and goggles are on properly before entering the pool room. Hats should be clear of the goggles, if part of the hat is inside the goggles this can let in water.
- If children are wearing rash vests – ensure they are snug fitting as loose clothing can make swimming hard.
- This is the same for boys shorts, we recommend shorter, snug fitting shorts as long baggy shorts can make swimming harder.
Pool Room/Changing Rooms
- No outdoor footwear is allowed inside the pool room, please remove shoes before entering or bring a clean pair of flip flops to change into.
- No food or drink (except water) in the changing room or pool room.
- No photos or videos are allowed to be taken in the changing room or pool room.
- Please stay in the changing room until the previous class has come back through to the changing rooms. Space is limited on poolside but also people coming through early creates a distraction for both swimmers and the teacher.
- Please keep children with you until all swimmers from the previous class are out of the pool.
Parking, Playground & Play Equipment
- There is free road parking available outside the primary school. Please DO NOT park on the yellow zigzag lines, this is a highway code violation.
- The play equipment and field are strictly out of bounds, we are only allowed to use the pool due to insurance purposes.
- The entire site is a no smoking area, this includes the playground.